Saturday, 16 May 2009

Cool but rude.

Quickie today while I'm waiting for new pages to come through for colouring. Raphael and Wonderwoman from my sketchbook, and a bit of digital colouring to try and make them look fancy.

By the way, hello new watchers! I must apologise to some of my customers who picked up my blog cards at Travelling Man. I sometimes get very shy about my drawings and when people ask me who drew them I get a bit flustered. I have, to my complete shame, sometimes said someone else drew them a couple of times. Sorry chaps!


Unknown said...

Oh noes! Bad Abby, don't let others take credit for your awesome work unless I'm there and you tell people it's mine then that's ok as I have absolutely no drawing talent but would happily take the credit for yours so I'm good with that one. :-)

Ian said...

from now on, Abby, you need to sign them.

Cj Howker said...

i'm still happy you let us take them.. i felt bad last time i took one as i thought i had personally just lowered the chance of someone giving you a commision due to picking up one of your cards :'(

SIGN THEM ALL, even if its just your blog/email ;)

Abby Ryder said...

To be honest Howker I'm not after commissions directly, though if I got some it would be nifty. Mainly I want to just advertise the blog!

callie! said...

Arrrr! You are so good at digital coloring that they should make it a crime.

Agreed with other commenters, sign your awesome work.

standardman said...

My girlfriend picked up a sketch of Catwoman on FCBD - it's now her bookmark and it brought me here. Great stuff!