Thursday, 15 January 2009

Delivery Day Doodles

Thursday in the UK is our comics delivery day, which means being in early to meet the TNT van and staying until late to run our comics and gaming night. Phew! So it's a little tricky to set Thursday on my new artsy timetable. Let's take Thursday as a day for random doodles. Afterall I sketch while I do the brews (need plenty of those for delivery day). And today I spent my lunch break at the Nexus art cafe near my shop, snuggled into one of their big comfy chairs with a hot chocolate and my sketchbook. Plenty of time for drawing there!


Ian said...

Love that dragon. His jaw is aces.

Justin said...

agreed, the jaw is great.

Anonymous said...

Epic tree, or tiny cities?

Either way, that is neat... very neat.

Unknown said...

nice doodles. Keep it up!