Sunday, 24 August 2008

Sketch Dumping

I have managed to keep myself drawing every day for the last few weeks, though this doesn't quite translate to "post to blog every day". It's been a good exercise, I feel like I'm speeding up and building confidence along with it. I work five days a week but have always felt that I could be producing more artwork during my time off.

Continuing my attempts at drawing female heroes: Ms Marvel.

Ms Marvel and Spidey Woman.

And a new challenge from my mate Ian, Etrigan the Demon!

Finally here's how my silly Transformers Animated poster is going so far.


Anonymous said...

Um, why is this TFA poster 'silly' ?

I think it kicks ass.

Anonymous said...

Abby, that's AWESOME! You should really submit some stuff to Titan, just on the off chance. Let me know if you need details...


matthewART said...

My eyes have gone blind from pure AWESOMENESS!!!