Friday, 16 April 2010

Slightly Delayed...(Judge Dredd Colours)

Well I can at least say I've not been neglecting this blog due to laziness or lack of interest. Things have been going okay since I did my first work for 2000AD and Harrods, I have been drawing and colouring some comic strips for Ge Fabbri along with my usual colouring work on Tom and Jerry magazine. Plus I've been colouring the covers for the Scooby Doo magazine. It's been good fun if a little hectic, fitting it all in with my work at the comic shop. But I intend to update the blog at least once a week from now on with sketches and samples from my drawing and colouring work.

So I'll start with a few samples from the colouring job I did for the Megazine earlier this year. Pencils and inks by the lovely Leigh Gallagher. Of course I'm already beating myself up over the colour choices I made in this but I think of that as a good thing. It should mean the next time I get to work on a job like this I'll be better at it!

Judge Dredd © 2010 Rebellion A/S. All rights reserved.