Friday, 17 July 2009

Ninja Invasion Day Five: Toyota!

Y: The Last Man has to be my favourite series from Vertigo, so I can't believe I forgot about Toyota until my friend Olly mentioned her today. Yes, yes indeed I had to attempt to draw her. I've decided to ink up Dr McNinja and a few of the other pictures from the last few days and colour them fully, they should end up pretty nifty!

I need to draw Agent 355 at some point!

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Ninja Invasion Day Four: Dr McNinja!

A quick one, I have not long been home from my shop and need bed very much. Looong delivery day! Had to run comics night at the end too! Here's a quick Dr McNinja for you, I've got a day off from the shop tomorrow so when I've finished my current bit of Tom and Jerry colouring I think I'll update the good Doctor here with a lovely colour version.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Ninja Invasion Day Three: Snake-Eyes and Guest...

Yes! Two today, as I was extremely disappointed with ole Elektra down there. Snake-Eyes from GI Joe and, er, Nemesis the Warlock dressed like a ninja, as requested by my buddy Den at I had so much fun with these two!

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Ninja Invasion Day Two: Elektra

Sorry all! Day two and already my ninja powers are weak and feeble. This Elektra could probably get trounced by a half dead budgie, it's rubbish!

Monday, 13 July 2009

Ninja Invasion Day One: Zool!

I wanted to kick my blog back into regular updates so I'm thinking about giving myself a theme each week. This week I'll draw a ninja every day up to the weekend. I decided to start silly, anyone else fancy a Chupa Chup now?